cavity flow control facility PIV image cavity noise spectrogram Concorde schlieren of TMWE

Marco Debiasi

 Marco Debiasi
Research Fellow in Experimental Aerodynamics
Aeromechanical Systems Group
Cranfield University
Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8LA
United Kingdom

phone: +44 (0) 1793 785375

My research interests are in the fields of active flow control, fluid actuators, aeroacoustics, and experimental methods in fluid mechanics. In these pages I describe my research activities trying to be accurate while avoiding too many technical terms. The result is more of an introduction to my research rather that an in depth review. I hope I succeeded in making this informative enough for scientists and enjoyable enough for other readers. Please, feel free to send your comments, questions, and suggestions to my email address above.

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Last modified on: 20 April 2020